A downloadable game for Windows

What is "Spacelink" ?

"Spacelink" is a captivating minigame that casts you in the role of a spacedocker employed by an ultra-capitalist corporation solely focused on maximizing profits. Your objective? Climb the corporate ladder and achieve the prestigious "Employee of the Month" title by expertly docking numerous ships.

Become the ultimate space docker 

Navigate your probe with precision using the WASD keys to move horizontally or vertically, while the arrow keys allow you to rotate your probe to align its shape with the docking port of each ship. 

Customize your own experience

You can access the DATA.csv file in the DATA Folder of the project and edit each levels' parameter. Try it if you want you to enrich your experience.

Can you master the challenges and prove yourself as the ultimate spacedocker in this high-stakes corporate environment?

Note :This project was realised for the "Mini-game Jam February 2024".


SpaceLink-V2.zip 39 MB

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